The Scholarship Program recognizes and celebrates academic excellence, leadership, community service, and achievements in arts and athletics by graduating seniors.

Scholarship Program


Each spring, the Foundation awards dozens of scholarships to graduating Stevenson seniors. Scholarships recognize and celebrate academic excellence, leadership, community service, and achievements in arts and athletics.

Scholarships are established through the generous contributions of individuals, families, and organizations in the Stevenson community. Scholarship criteria reflect the interests and values of the scholarship sponsors, and are named in honor of a member of the Stevenson community or in memory of a loved one.




Members of the Class of 2023 completed scholarship applications


Graduating seniors received scholarships


In scholarships were awarded this past spring

“After having our own children benefit from the incredible education offered at Stevenson, we felt it was important to assist those that wish to continue their path into higher education by providing the annual Shire Inspires Scholarship to a student that embraces the ideals of changing the world for the better.”

— Caren Naidoff & Alan Press, Shire Law Group

Would you like to learn more? Want to help others?



Ashley Bunzol
Development & Scholarship Manager